When I opened my eyes in the morning, I always thought about something. "Can I see the beautiful morning every day? Ah, who knows." That’s only a question and I didn’t really want an answer. I just wanted to send this cosmic question out into the void.
I started the day with full of expectations, “What will happen today?” I wondered and expected that something good would happen. Because sometimes I wondered about my life, "I lead a small life. Well, valuable but small… I love my life."
Formerly, I always regretted if I met someone that hurt me. I always wished that I never met such people like that. If I could turned back the time, I chose not to know them. But I was wrong, I ought to give my thank to them. I realized that they were taking the important part in my life. They have taught me being a tough woman and taught me being a better person than yesterday.
I learned valuable lesson from my grandpa (RIP) and an elder woman. I met her in a hospital. She told me about her story life. She has taught me about courage, about spirit. She still have an unbelievable spirit in her age to take care of her family. I think her spirit that she has same as her grandson has. She amazes me and changes me. I am very lucky having a chance to meet her in that hospital at that time.
People come and go in my life..
Before it's too late..I have to realize that every day must be a special day, so I never want to miss each moment in a day because I will never find the same moments that happened today in the later times. I never want to miss each moment with my dad, my mom, my older brother, my grandma, my beloved person, and all my friends
Maybe I haven't done something good for them but I always try to. In the time that I've got left, I just want to make them happy. Only want to see them always happy....
I don't know why do I write such a thing like this...this only my questions, expectations, thankfulness..
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